Pero bueno mientras llega, os enseño otro look.
Es un look sencillo pero con un toque especial.
El estampado militar no es que me encante pero este pantalón en concreto, me gusta muchísimo.
Y combinando con burdeos aún me gusta más.
Por eso hoy lo he querido combinar con un jersey finito burdeos al igual que todos los complementos.
Y como por aquí está haciendo fresquito, lo he combinado con un abrigo verde de borrego por dentro.¡ Súper calentito!
Y así ha quedado el look de hoy.
Espero que os guste. Muchas gracias por las visitas y los comentarios.
Feliz martes!
Very good days! How have you started the week? I happy because in addition here in Andalusia there is a bridge this week. Yujuuuu! Jajajaja but good while arrives, I will show you another look. It is a look simple but with a special touch. The stamped military is not that I love but this pants in particular, I like a lot.
And combining with burgundy I enjoy it even more.
That is why today I have wanted to combine with a finite burgundy sweater like all add-ins.
And as for here is doing cool, I combined with a coat of green borrego inside.
Super warm!
And this has been the look of today.
I hope you like it. Many thanks for the visits and the comments.
Happy Tuesday!
Pantalones/pants: Zara (old)
Jersey/sweater:Stradivarius (new)
Botines/boots:Stradivarius (old)
Bolso/bag:Stradivarius (old)
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