Muy buenos días! Vamos que ya es jueves. Y para afrontarlo con una sonrisa, os traigo este look.
Es un look con mucha frescura y con unos tonos que a mí me encantan combinarlos en invierno y en verano.
La falda y la camisa vaquera es un básico en mi armario jajaja pero combinado con esta capa, ya es otro look.
La capa es preciosa y además con estilo marinero (cosa que a mí me encanta) jajaja.
Y por último, lo he combinado con unos botines en tono azul marino.
¿Qué os parece?
Muchas gracias por las visitas y los comentarios.
Feliz día!
Very good days! We are going that it is already Thursday.
And in order to confront it with a smile, I bring you this look.
It is a look with great freshness and with a few tones that I love them combine them in winter and in summer.
The skirt and sleeve denim is a staple in my cupboard lol but combined with this layer, it is already another look.
The layer is beautiful and also with sailor style (which i love) jaja. And finally, I have combined with some loot in navy blue tone.
What do you think?
Thank you Very much for the visits And comments.
Happy day!
Falda/ skirt: Stradivarius (old)
Camisa/ shirt: Sfera (new)
Botines/ boots: Stradivarius (old)
Capa/ cape: Stradivarius (old)
Me encantan los botines.
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