Pero bueno ya estamos a viernes y yo estoy muy nerviosa por un acontecimiento de mañana que si todo sale bien, cambiará la vida de mi chico y mía. Ojalá sea así!!!!
Y no me enrollo mas y voy al look jajaja
Tengo que decir que adoro los vestidos de la nueva colección de todas las tiendas en general. Son todos de mi estilo, y este en particular me encanta.
Sus colores son perfectos para este invierno y su corte hace que no sea ceñido y a la vez comodisimo.
En esta ocasión lo he combinando con las converse porque quería darle un toque mas informal, pero también me encantan con unos botines.
¿Qué os parece?
Muchas gracias por las vistas y los comentarios.
Feliz fin de semana!!!
Very Good days! We are finally to Friday! I took a week of pain with the grinder that is becoming crazy. By the way, thank you very much for your comments, it makes me feel better. But we are already at good Friday and I am very nervous by an event of morning that if all goes well, will change the life of my boy and My life.
Hopefully, it will be as well! I rolled up and no more and I'm going to look lol I have to say that I love the clothes of the new collection of all the shops in general.
Are all of my style, and this one in particular i love.
Their colors are perfect for this winter and his court does not make it snug and comfy at the same time.
On this occasion I have combined with the talk because I wanted to give you a touch more informal, but I also love with some loot.
What do you think?
Thank you very much for the views and comments.
Happy Weekend!
Vestido/ Dress: Stradivarius (New)
Zapatillas/ sneakers: converse(old)
Bolso/ bag: Stradivarius (old)
Gafas/ glasses: Hawkers(New)